Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Active Lifestyle

Active Lifestyle
One way is to set aside a special time for a formal exercise program, involving such planned activities as walking, jogging, swimming, tennis, aerobic dance, exercise to an exercise videotape, and so on.

But don’t underestimate the value and importance of just being more physically active throughout the day as you carry out your unusual activities. Both can be helpful.

The formal programs are usually more visible and get more attention. But being more physical in everyday life can also pay off. Consider taking the stairs a floor or two instead of waiting impatiently for a slow elevator.

Park and walk several blocks to work or to the store instead of circling the parking lot looking for the perfect, up close parking space.

Mow the lawn, work in the garden or just get once in a while and walk around the house.

These types of daily activities often not view as “exercise,” can add up to significant health benefits.

Recent studies show that even small amounts of daily activity can raise fitness levels, decrease heart disease risk, and boost mood and the activities can be pleasurable, enjoyable ones. Playing with children, dancing, gardening, bowling, and golf….all these enjoyable activities can make a biog difference.
Active Lifestyle

Monday, December 22, 2008

Breakfast: The most Important Meal

Breakfast: The most Important Meal
You will notice marked improvements in mood and energy, with fewer cravings for junkfood, when you eat a breakfast that is high in water, protein, good carbs (loaded with antioxidants) and healthy fats.

But many people who struggle with their weight often skip breakfast altogether or have a light breakfast consisting of something like a glass of juice with bagel, a piece of toast or a bowl of cornflakes.

The typical American breakfast is essentially pure carbohydrate that is quickly absorbed and leads to a spike in blood sugar followed by a compensatory spike in insulin. This stimulates a steep fall in blood sugar, leaving you famished and sluggish by mid morning and susceptible to cravings for doughnuts, pastries, cookies, and junk foods and sugary drinks from the vending machines that are ubiquitous in the workplace.

This eating style is a vicious cycle that forces you to mindlessly consume excess calories leading t0 obesity, aging and disease. Instead, have a forever young breakfast with protein (eggs, whey protein, fish, or meat) and high nutrient, fiber rich foods (fruits, nuts, berries or veggies), and wash it down with tea, water, soymilk, or nonfat milk.

The rest of the morning you will walk straight by the box of doughnuts at work feeling compelled to indulge your self.

There was a study found that the breakfast bunch received four important benefits:
  • Lower BMI (average body weight)
  • Reduced risks of diabetes, metabolic problems and obesity
  • Better long term weight loss maintenance
  • Improved mental alertness throughput the day

Breakfast jumpstart your system when you roll out of bed in the morning by increasing your metabolic rate about 25 percent. This revs your energy up and improves your ability to perform both physically and mentally.

On the other hand, people skip breakfasts are stick in the hibernation mode and often plagued with the consequences of a slow metabolism like obesity, constant fatigue or sluggishness and chronically feeling cold.

Snacks eaten before bedtime are more likely to be converted to body fat while you sleep. In contrast, breakfast calories can be burned throughout the day supplying you with the energy you need to perform your best.
Breakfast: The most Important Meal

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles
Doing regular physical activity is a healthy lifestyle that health experts feel is among the most important. Not only does it help you prevent many of the major illness and enhance your physical fitness and health, but also it can contribute to good health in other areas as well.

Their list includes some of healthy lifestyles that you can adopt to promote good fitness, health and wellness. These lifestyles are only of benefit if you choose to do them. The choices you make have much to do with your fitness, health and wellness.

  • Be Physically Active
  • Adopt Good Personal Health Habits
  • Eat Properly
  • Manage Stress
  • Avoid Destructive Habits
  • Adopt Good Safety Practices
  • Seek and Follow Appropriate Medical Advice
  • Practice Other Healthy Lifestyles

Healthy Lifestyles