Eating Vegetables and Fruits for Longevity
Vegetables and fruits do so much for longevity quest in so many different ways. Fruits and vegetables are energy foods. For most part, they’re fiber rich carbohydrates, ideal for optimal energy flow. Fruit, in particular, may be the perfect workout food. While other sugars will give a quick burst of energy, fruit sugars deliver a steady stream of carbohydrate energy over a few hours.

All those vegetables and fruit will keep body weight down too. With some notable exceptions like coconuts and avocadoes, most fruits and vegetables have little or no fat and not much in the way of protein either. They still have calories, of course, but filling up on their fiber will push fat and excess calories out of body system.
By eating lots of fruits and vegetables, it will reduce cancer risk in at least two ways. The fiber they provide pushes digested food through body gut faster, giving potential carcinogens less times to damage cells in digestive tract. But also, the antioxidants that are so abundant in fruits and vegetables destroy cell damaging free radicals. They may also actually reverse existing cell damage before it leads to cancer.
Eating a lot of fruits and vegetables at any age has been shown to slow down, brake or even reverse many if the unpleasant developments associated with the aging process. Heart disease and cancer are just two such problems that antioxidants combat.
They also help keen body mind sharp, body becomes strong, eyesight keen and body immune system powerful enough to fight off infections and other illnesses.
There’s even some promising evidence that the phytochemicals and other good things in fruits and vegetables retard the aging process itself at the cellular levels.
In other words, if antioxidant intake is high from eating lots of fruits and vegetables, people may be biologically “younger” than others age who have low antioxidants intakes.
Eating Vegetables and Fruits for Longevity