Hiking help increase and maintain fitness levels and contribute to health and well being. One of the great things about hiking is that you can use it to get in shape backpacking.
Hiking and backpacking are fun ways to burn calories, spend times with other people and eat well.
Sunlight offers vitamins D and E, both important for immune functions as well as increased serotonin levels, which elevate mood. Nature has a restorative power and can help alleviate depression.

We experience long term benefits from improving and maintaining physical fitness through hiking and backpacking both on the trail and at home. Moderate physical activity can result in lower healthy care cost and increased work performance.
Regular exercise improves mental healthy, providing a holistic sense of wellness, more positive moods and emotions, better mental clarity and better stress management skills, enabling us to better respond to the demands and joys of life.
This leads to higher self confidence, greater self competence, and better judgment and decision making.
Fitness benefits of Hiking and Backpacking
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