Friday, December 4, 2009

Tea Time

Tea Time
Green tea is a uniquely powerful beverage for improving health, burning body fat, and preventing disease.

Today, this ancient beverage has a bright future owing to a steady stream of new studies showing the health benefits accrued buy drinking it.

We routinely have a cup of decaf tea green tea in the evening after the kids are in bed and we can relax and enjoy spending some quiet time together.

We try to drink two to four cups throughput the day and find decaffeinated green tea keep us focused yet relaxed.

It is also one of the best sources of beneficial phytonutrients that are helpful in preventing aging and disease.

Tea is a great way to stay well hydrated without consuming excess empty calories.

Green tea increases your metabolism and appears to selectively mobilise the fat stores from inside your abdominal cavity. Regular tea drinkers have a lower risk of diabetes high blood pressure and heart disease.
Tea Time

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