Thursday, June 3, 2010

Phosphorus to the internal energy

Phosphorus is present in every cell.About 66 percent of the body is in the bones of phosphorus in a form known as calcium phosphate,33 percent is made from soft as organic and inorganic phosphate.This mineral converts the energy to work oxidation of cells.High-energy phosphate influences of protein,carbohydrate and fat synthesis, and stimulates muscle contraction,glandular secretion of hormones,nerve impulses and functioning of the kidneys.Phosphorus internal energy.It works to neutralize the acidity of the blood in excess,but also helps to create lecithin and cerebrine,ingredients necessary for the mental power,which metabolizes fats and starches.

A deficiency of this mineral can cause loss of appetite and weight,nervous disorders,mental laziness,general fatigue.In extreme difficulty,there is the irregular breathing and a pale appearance WAN.Try to avoid white sugar,because the delicate balance between calcium phosphorus is disturbed by the presence of white sugar in your body.Your brain also needs phosphorous.Although 85 percent of your brain is composed of water,the solid matter is composed of fat phosphorized.These fats should increase in proportion to your nervous system matures.Calf bone is a good source of phosphorus,calcium is like eggs,known as Chalaza.Chalaza strings album that is filled with yolk of eggs waiting around the eggs!.

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